Why Your Book Is Better Than Your Business Card?
Do you have a business card?
I actually have something better than a business card.
It’s my book.
I meet people in restaurants, nail salons, airports, and even in my kids’ school. Every opportunity I get, I always have a copy of my book on hand. Why? It’s my calling card. People want to know more about me and my business. What better way for them to get to know me than with a copy of my book. How many times have you received a business card and misplaced it? I’m guilty of chucking a business card in my purse. Only for it to never be seen again.
I’m not saying that business cards are outdated. I’m telling you that your book is a better opportunity for you than your business card.
9 out of the 10 entrepreneurs I meet at networking events don’t have a book.
It’s true.
What’s the reason?
They don’t know the value of having a book in their wheelhouse. Many entrepreneurs are hyperfocused on visibility and sales. The formula for success includes social media marketing, networking, and creating a digital/physical product for consumers.
Although the formula is conducive to success today. However, an entrepreneur who has the ability to package their knowledge and expertise in a book will be successful forever.
Here’s the thing about a book
A book establishes your authority, it’s a great way to increase visibility and your expertise in an industry. It’s also a great way to grow your audience.
Books are often overlooked because people don’t understand the lifetime impact a book can deliver. I always encourage entrepreneurs in any sector or industry to write a book for three reasons.
1. Books separate you from your competitors in the industry.
2. A book can provide more exposure for a lifetime than immediate gratification.
3. People prefer books over a business cards because they have a longer impact on the buyer.
The next time you’re at a networking event. Remember, to bring a copy of your book!